Margaret Meekings

01.09.1948 - 09.01.2025

Funeral Service Information

Funeral Service at Mintlyn Crematorium on Wednesday, 29 January, 2025 at 12:15 pm

Funeral Home: TFS - Kings Lynn


Donations can be made on behalf of the bereaved to their choice of charity.

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Total excludes offline donations

Thank you for your professional and compassionate care for my Auntie and family.

Steven & Zita Jones

In memory of Margaret. With love

Linda Drake

With many happy memories of Margaret, a lovely lady and very dear friend. Always a pleasure to see her.

Vic & Betty Rice

In loving memory of a wonderful lady.

Elaine Carpenter

In loving memory of Margaret

Margaret Leek

In memory of Margaret

Jeremy Gribble

In memory of Margaret. Love from Nichola.

Nichola smith

Cherished memories

Mary and Paul Anderson

In loving memory of Auntie Margaret who is now at peace and free from pain. She dealt with her illness with such bravery, never once complaining and always thinking of others. She was a truly special person who will be sadly missed but forever in our hearts until we meet again xxx

Helen and Jack Joslin

In loving memory of a beautiful lady inside and out. She will be greatly missed but forever in our hearts

Anita & David Jaffrey

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Remembering taking Jack to see Father Christmas for the first time at Baytree. We weren’t sure who was most excited on ...
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helen and jack


At the most difficult times its nice to have professional support that is genuinely given, couldn’t have asked for more for my mothers passing.


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