Cynthia (Bobbie) Christina Roberta Manning

15.07.1946 - 03.01.2025

Funeral Service Information

Funeral Service at St John’s Church, Terrington St John on Thursday, 20 February, 2025 at 1:00 pm followed by interment in the Churchyard.

Funeral Home: TFS - Kings Lynn


Donations can be made on behalf of the bereaved to their choice of charity.

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In memory of a lovely, kind lady.

Helena and Steve Clarke

From the Carters Jackie and the family . Thinking of you always Bobbie . Lots of love and hugs to you Trevor xxx

Wayne Carter

So sad to lose a good friend. My love goes out to Trevor in his grief. Rest in peace Bobbie xx

Anne Thompson

have fond memories of our times at bingo and quizzes

Doreen Hattigan

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Very compassionate and detailed throughout a difficult time for our family, liaison and contact was very caring and understanding. Nothing but highly recommended by us, with gratitude for the professionalism.


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