Naomi Serena Stoneham

08.09.1970 - 22.11.2024

Funeral Service Information

Funeral Service at Mintlyn Crematorium on Thursday, 19 December, 2024 at 4:00 pm

Funeral Home: TFS - Kings Lynn


Donations can be made on behalf of the bereaved to their choice of charity.

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Naomi was a wonderful lady, who I had the pleasure of meeting and cutting / styling her hair. Taken far to soon away from her precious family, but will now be the brightest sky in the star looking down on her family beaming with pride. Rest easy 💙

Kloe williams

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Very compassionate and detailed throughout a difficult time for our family, liaison and contact was very caring and understanding. Nothing but highly recommended by us, with gratitude for the professionalism.

Lisa Wilkins

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