Melvyn (Milo) Douglas Smith

17.04.1941 - 31.10.2024

Funeral Service Information

Funeral Service at Mintlyn Crematorium on Friday, 15 November, 2024 at 10:45 am

Funeral Home: TFS - Kings Lynn


Donations are no longer able to be made through our service.

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In loving memory of Uncle Mel.

Darren and Catherine Pywell

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Both Jayne and myself are so very sorry to hear of Milo's passing, I have so many memories of working with him on the ...
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david & jayne shepperson

So so sad to hear about uncle mel , he had such a cheeky smile , you will be greatly missed .xxxxx

bev ,tony & family

To my dearest dad, words can't describe how I will miss you. Sleep tight and love you always, k xxx

karen mchugh


TFS took care of everything, down to the smallest details from day 1. Totally professional, attentive and considerate throughout. Would not hesitate to recommend them.


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