Donations are no longer able to be made through our service.
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Total excludes offline donations
Funeral Service at All Saints Church, Narborough on Tuesday, 12 November, 2024 at 11:00 am followed by interment in the Churchyard.
Funeral Home: TFS - Kings Lynn
Donations are no longer able to be made through our service.
Total raised:
Total excludes offline donations
At a traumatic time in our lives, Thornalley were a shining light of professionalism, kindness and understanding. It was the greatest comfort to feel confidence in their handling of the funeral. They excelled themselves in every stage of the process and we could not recommend Thornalley highly enough. Thank you for looking after our loved one with grace and understanding.
Remembering you Phil with our fondest love
Jules and Jo Morgan-Walters
As on card at funeral.
Robin Huggins
Happy memories of a lovable gentle giant. Thinking of you all x
Lynda (Martin) Jervis and family
RIP Phil thinking of all the family at this sad time
Peter & Linda Hemeter
There aren't many Phil's in this world and it will be a much sorrier place without him RIP Ringers
Hedley and Karen Stroud
With love from us both
Celia & Liam Barber
Phil has made a difference in so many lives. We're grateful to have had him in ours. xxx
Claire & Peter Clift
Rest in peace. You were a true gentle giant!
Maryna and Martin Crook
Thanks for the memories Phil, great cricketer and even greater man. With much love and respect from all at North Runcton Cricket Club
North Runcton Cricket Club