Sharon Colleen Norgate

04.06.1970 - 14.07.2024

Funeral Service Information

Private funeral service.

Funeral Home: TFS - Kings Lynn


Donations can be made on behalf of the bereaved to their choice of charity.

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Thank you for your unwavering support for Sharon and her grieving family.

Letitia Nwobodo

Will always remember you Sharon. Taken far too soon. xx


Love you Mum

Chelsea Norgate

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RIP Sharon thank you for all you did for my grandson Jack when he attended Fairstead School Nursery.

Christine means

I loved working with sharon so many laughs she was a wonderful person and will be sadly missed r.i.p sharon will always remember you xxxxx

Susan Dilnot

My lovely Mum, taken too soon! The Grandchildren miss you so, so much as do I. Forever in my heart and always on my mind. Until we meet again, it's time for you to rest now. Love you always x

Chelsea Norgate

I love you mum โค๏ธ

Harry Proctor

Lovely memories of my dear ex sister-in-law, taken way too soon. RIP Fly high beauty xxx

Donna Yagliyurt

Thankyou for always being so kind and caring - From the very first day I met you, you were always so lovely to me. I remember the days you used to cook spicy chicken for me and Harry after school before we went out and about (probably to the shed๐Ÿ˜‚) you will be missed lots โค๏ธ

Darius Saunders

Dear Sharon, we only worked together in the same class for less than a year but we hit it off straight away. We had so many laughs. You told me that you liked me and that whether I liked it or not I’d never get rid of her! I’d got her for life. How little we knew then. You were one in a million. Kind, generous and as mad as a box of frogs! You absolutely adored your children and grandchildren and my heart goes out to them. I remember one day you came bursting in to class saying your Chelsea had played you this song and you absolutely loved it. You played and sang it over and over and you probably still are. The song was Flowers and it will be forever your song. RIP lovely lady. xx Paulette xx


Sharon i still don't believe we don't have You don't see You anymore ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜ญ but I know you still support me and my kids ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– You still close โค๏ธโค๏ธ Me and boys send love ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜˜ Ruby have broken ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ’” heart Love You always ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• Do

Beata Kazmierczak

Taken waybto soon. You were so respected by so many, your mum adored you, she was so proud of you. I only have good, funny memories of us growing up together at massingham. Playing kerbie til ya mum would shout..Sharon, get ya ass in here now! Pinching apples of the trees, running through the allotments to nick the strawberries or gooseberries...hell we had some fun. And then there was the country dancing at primary school, or lack of it as we hated it and faked feeling sick so we didn't have to take part. But we loved sitting on the side taking the micky out of the others. Rest in piece my darling. Fly high up to ya mum and give em he'll. Loads of love Peanut xxx ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

Yvonne Gant

Still can't believe you have gone so many memories ๐ŸฅฐUsed to love my hand made christmas cards( even though I used to moan about the mess cause you used to much glitter )Will really miss you at work in the mornings will always remember you RIP Sharon love Mel and family xxx

Mel Barnes

Such a lovely lady xx

Sue knott

Sharon, cannot believe you're gone, memories of our morning breakfast club dancing and singing. You were such an amazing person, everytime I leave my house I see your house and I get a tear. Me and My Harry will miss you so much xxxx taken far to early you still had so much left you give xxxx sending love to Your 2 children and your grandchildren who I know meant the absolute world to you xxxx

Hannah Taylor-Bennett

Can't believe you gone ๐Ÿ˜” Will miss you Norgate ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜”

Bea Costa

I love you so much Nanny, you are the best in the universe. Love Arlo xxxxxxxx


I didn't know you like many of your friends but when we did meet you were always full of laughter and smiles. Even though the start of our friendship was brief before I moved away I'm blessed to have known you. This time will be hard for everyone close to you but we will all remember your caring loving personality. A truly lovely lady. So sad. R.I.P xx


You may not have been my Shazza for a while but I never stopped loving you, you will always have a special place in my heart. Rest now beautiful, heaven has gained an Angel just hope they know what they have let themselves in for xx


The best mother in law I could have asked for. Happy, crazy and caring but also up front and honest, which is the best way to be. You always said how alike we were in our ways and I take that as a compliment. You will always be remembered, spoke about and celebrated just as you would have wanted! We will love and miss you foreverโค๏ธxxx

Tia Rudland

She was 1 in a million I remember when we were young we would go to the put with her mum and yes we was drinking alcohol we was only 15 we could decide what we liked so we tried everything and we was not to good when we left the put but doreen looked after us lol she will be sadly missed xxx

Melanie lehane

From Primary school together and going full circle to seeing you work there. Was always lovely to see you and the passion and enthusiasm you had for the children you worked with. Can’t believe I’m not going to see you there again.

Julie Stewart

Have known for so many years and was lucky enough for my youngest daughter to have you in nursery ! She absolutely adored you and always ran up for a cuddle when she see you in the street ! You will be missed by so many in this community but your spirit carry’s on in your 2 beautiful children and grandchildren . Please give Doreen and hug from me Sharon up there and behave yourself !! Love always Emma and Lexi-drew

Emma Brock

I used to hang around with Sharon and Angie when I was 13/14, we met at Springwood. We spent our time at Sharon or Angie’s house, listening to music, making up dances, and talking about boys. We also went to disco nights including one or two at the pub over the road, and we even managed to get served at the bar somehow, in such a hurry to grow up! Sharon was always such good fun, we were always having a laugh. I hope you’re making them all laugh up there Sharon! Rest in peace gorgeous girl xx

Stella Leitch

Was all my children's favourite will be sadly missed but remembered always sending so much love to her family and friends xx

Becky sargeant

Miss Norgate was always my girls favourite TA. Nothing was too much trouble. Always in our hearts with the children she helped. RIP Sharon XXX

Tina Beale

Knew sharon form school such a bubbly character was a joy to call a friend Rest easy Sharon will always be remembered xxx

Christine Southgate

I'm still reeling from this sad, sad news. From primary school to high school and into adulthood, every now and then our life paths would cross and when they did there was always fun to be had! My two most poignant memories of you are firstly of when you took me for my first tattoo! I was such a big baby with the pain and you laughed your arse off! Secondly, my most life changing memory was when you dragged me on a night out clubbing back in '93. We had such a laugh, dancing the night away. But if you hadn't made me go out that night I would never have met my (now) ex husband and would never have had my son! We hadn't really seen much of each other in recent years but again, on a chance night out, we bumped into each other, shared a drink and a dance and few laughs. Rest easy dear friend. You'll be missed x


My best friend in the whole world. 48 years of friendship and many laughs along the way. You will be in my heart forever and I will miss you everyday. Thankyou for being my friend/ sister as that's what you were to me. Love you always shazza โค๏ธxxx

Angie Hammond

You was such a lovely lady and an amazing teacher ,you had all 4 of my children and each one of them loved you .you always went out of your way to talk to them know matter how old they we're. You will be very missed โค๏ธ xx

Leeann price

My family adored her, she was so full of life, with a great sense of humor, kind and compassionate too, I was glad both of my children got to have her in school, they adored her, she will be greatly missed by so many, an incredible person.


Sharon helped both of my girls at Fairstead Primary, they both loved her dearly! My eldest would call her Nugget Norgate and she would call her Khaleesi nugget back, she will be missed so much!

Sapphire Bryen

Sharon was both my sisters nursery teacher, everytime I picked them up she knew who I was straight away saying “big sister is hear to pick you up” she was always so chatty and lovely! Both my sisters remember her as their favourite nursery teacher. Thank you for having such a positive impact on their time at nursery/school.๐Ÿฅฐ๐ŸŒน R.I.P. sending love to all family and friends xx

Leah Moorby

You was the best TA my girls could ever have, you always went out of your way to do whatever you could to help them and even speak to them outside of school. You couldn't wait for Dylan to start so you could look after him aswell but u both didn't get that chance so fly high u beautiful lady and please hold and look after Dylan for me till we meet again love u xx

Katie church

There are simply no words to describe how grateful I am to have had the pleasure of knowing you. You stood by me through my first two years of teaching and I wouldn’t have got through it without your support. You took me under your wing and supported me every step of the way. I miss your infectious smile and your ability to make everyone laugh. I miss seeing the absurd amount of cheese spread and jam on your crumpet or bagel every morning. I always admired how unapologetically yourself you were and the amount of love you had for your family, friends and the children at school. You’ve made a lasting impact on everyone’s lives and that’s just proves how much of an incredible lady you truly were. You’ve inspired me to live my life being more unapologetically myself! I will miss you more than words can say ๐Ÿค


Ms norgate was in my sons class a few years back she was a lovely teacher and my son thought that too.. a kind and genuinely caring woman rest in peace xx

Emma Lardner

Such a wonderful lady Sharon! Known you for many years, you was also wyatts nursery teacher... you always use to tell me how much he made you laugh with his chats to you! You will be missed very much ๐Ÿ˜ข Fly high โค๏ธ

Shona Baxter

Thank you for all the support and care you gave my three eldest children, even my eldest son being 15 next month remembers his time with you. My eldest daughter used to love you so much, every time you came out of school or went into school she would shout Miss Norgate and make a bee line for you. She loved your cuddles, an it always put a smile on her face. Our youngest daughter also always had a smile on her face, telling us all about what she did at nursery or school with Miss Norgate. Rest in peace Miss Norgate, you was such a wonderful lady and touched so many children's hearts in your time at the school.

Bardwell/Biggs family

Sharon I rated u at the school both my boys adored u, u will be so missed rest in peace beautiful xx

Gemma Samuel & Tylerโ€™s mum

Sharon you were taken much to soon RIP lovee xxxx

Sheila Gardner

Sharon You was my light when I was in a dark place, we shared so many memories together, 2 of my kids grew with you in school and you always told me how I had a chatterbox like me n one who got into everything possible yep me again, we have seen each other's grow up into amazing kids with families of their own....I wish I had bought my phone with me so we could have had 1 last photo together....I so miss texting you n having our early morning chats ๐Ÿ˜Š will forwver be with me, love you always Shazza xxxx๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ

Jane Cudworth

Auntie Sharon, it saddens me to have to write this to you now that you’ve passed on. You left this world a little too soon. Nan must have needed you up there! I was a little shit growing up but you’d always put me in line, I will remember the memories of playing with Chelsea and Harry when we were kids, you cooking dinners, you moaning at me for playing with Chelsea’s toy horses, you doing that silly face with your false teeth that used to make me crack up so good & evenings us out walking Bella and lily. So many photos to go through & so much love all in one heart you shared your love with so many & were love by so many people! Thank you for being my auntie, rest well little angel ๐Ÿซถ๐Ÿผ

Jordan norgate

Another beautiful soul taken soo soon….fly high Sharon xxxx

Carmen marlow

Korey and Hayden where both pupils at Fairstead Primary, they both had many fond memories with Mrs Norgate. Our thoughts are with you all xxx

Stephanie Fox

I don't even know where to begin. All my children think you are the best teacher ever. They always would run to you as soon as they saw you. But Alfie well Alfie loved you. When Alfie got cancer you would message me to find out how he was, you made him the most amazing blanket. We still have it and use it now. You actually cared. The bond you and Alfie had was a very special one. Fly high you are going to so missed. Lots of love Emily, Clarabelle, Alfie and Amberle xxx

Emily plumb

Miss Norgate(Sharon)can't believe I'm writing this,you was just amazing to my grandchildren in nursery and school, always so bubbly and to your children and high lovely ladyxx Tracy Callaby โค๏ธ

Tracy Callaby

Oh miss smelly feet you are going to be so missed, you looked after all 4 of my children always had a smile on your face the best TA ever never had any worries with you around, Arias little heart is broken she will miss your cuddles and you making her giggle calling her cheesy feet! You will never be forgotten such a lovely lady ๐Ÿ’” fly high ๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ all our love Roy, Keeleigh, dais, Reegan, Rocco & Aria ๐Ÿ’š

Keeleigh Callaby

Aww such sad news hearing of your passing ..we had some very good nights out ..sleep well gbnf xx

Mary Jane Okane

Such a lovely lady, was amazing to my kids in nursery and had so much patience with my Elena in nursery and in reception class. Will be miss by so many, gone to soon. Rest in peace Miss Norgate from Brady, Skyla and Elena xxx

Emma Emmerson

Sharon I will never ever forget you I honestly feel like I learned my confidence and sas from you, you genuinely taught me to stick up for myself and you always would tell my dad (Dave Williams) to not be so strict with us girls and not having my own mum in my life you were always always there to be my shoulder to cry on and you always listened no matter how silly i was being you were always there, my earliest childhood memories was playing out with Harry and honeslty you guys were a massive part of my childhood I couldn’t believe the news there’s not a single other woman I’d say is as strong as you you will truly be missed by so so many people I wish I could give you one more cuddle, the brightest star in the sky I will never forget you๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค

Ashley Williams

When at work,Sharon was always a bubbly and happy woman who just took everything in her stride.

Jenna Rogers

So sad another one took to early .fly high and shine bright like a diamond xx


You touched the heart of every child you worked with. Your smile, witty comments and potty mouth is already very much missed by all. Rest in peace with your mum Sharon x

Jo Uttin

To my lovely friend Sharon, we started becoming good friends when we both started working at fairstead school over 20 years ago and from the moment we started to work together we became great friends and have shared many memories. You always made me laugh one memory sticks in my head was when we went out to liquor and loaded and you asked me was it a midget who had designed the toilet. Well I said no Sharon it’s because it was the disabled toilet you used and my as you called it we “belly laughed” for ages. You always made me laugh when we were together and I shall miss you dearly. Rest well my lovely friend ,keep smiling I will miss you lots โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธx


Sharon I still can’t believe I am having to write this. You were such fun to work with and always stood your ground. I will always remember the fun times and plenty of our non serious conversations about hunky men, which makes me smile. You always used to tell me I’ve never aged, still look the same and fill me with snacks! You are so missed by everyone and feels so empty without you. You were truly amazing and it fills me with great sadness that you are not longer here. I will miss you!

Samantha Rix

Known you many years taking care of my boys in the school you we’re truly a lovely lady inside and out and will be missed by many rest easy xx

Claire Bah

I first met Sharon while working at Fairstead school, she introduced herself to me at the photocopier and instantly made me feel welcome. We soon became friends and she was always my go to person. Sharon was one of those friends that made you feel like you’d known her for years, she was friendly, kind and very funny. She had a great way with the children she worked with and always made them laugh too. We shared a couple of drunken nights out together, and even after I’d stopped working with her, I would see her around and always stop for a chat. My husband Phill always calling out SHAZZA at the top of his voice to her in the street ( she always knew it was him). You was an inspiration how you cared and looked after your mum while working and doing up your home. I still cannot believe you’re gone, taken way too soon by this awful disease but you were strong and no doubt fought right till the end. You will always be missed, sleep tight. Steph xxx

Steph Bradshaw

Dear Sharon I still can't believe you have gone. We have known each other for many years, growing up on the same street, going to primary and secondary school together. We had our moments of fun and fall outs. A memory I have as kids is you convincing me to stick my tongue on the freezer wall to cool down, my tongue got stuck and there were lots of tears and laughter. Most recently we did ghost hunts together. The lock in at the community shop was hilarious. You looked out for my youngest when he was at nursery and I now look out for your grand boys at school. I hope you are with your mum now and at peace. I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you at the end. Fly high now you have your angel wings my friend. All my love xx

Leah Fagg

Mate I miss you terribly ๐Ÿ’” rest in paradise babe. We will always have our dirty dancing moment ๐Ÿคฃ. Love and miss you loads , Teri and Layla xxxxx


I have so many great memories with you shazza which I will cherish forever. Love ya angel xx

Kel melerski

You shared a special chapter in my book of life. A chapter full of laughter, excitement, singing and dancing. You were always an open book, faithful, honest and truthful, I respected you for that. It broke my heart in pieces that you were taken so swiftly. I find comfort in learning that; 'Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no can steal'. Love you, 'Angel' Moregate from your Wobbly.

Letitia Nwobodo

I miss you, you were taken far too soon but you will live on through your children and grandchildren. โค๏ธ ๐Ÿ‘ผ


My dear friend taken to soon xxx so many memories from when we grew up together on fairstead and then all thru springwood will cherish these memories rest in peace Sharon xxxxx



Ray, Andrew and their team were very compassionate and professional. They made an emotional time much easier with their expertise and understanding demeanour. We would absolutely recommend using Thornalley Funeral Services, you will be in safe hands.

Wendy Sutton