Shirley Ann Mallett

06.04.1945 - 10.02.2024

Funeral Service Information

Funeral Service at Mintlyn Crematorium on Monday, 4 March, 2024 at 11:30 am

Funeral Home: TFS - Kings Lynn


Donations are no longer able to be made through our service.

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Loved sister and Aunty xx

Tracey Pozzi

Remembering a wonderful lady .

Jenny Nelson

In memory of a beautiful friend

Ronnie and Ian. Howell

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R.I.P Mum X♥️


Thanks big sis (auntie) for all our memories when growing up together, i will always love and miss you xx


You were such a beautiful person and a wonderful friend, we shared so many memories laughter and holidays our hearts will never forget you rest in peace ❤️❤️

Ronnie and Ian Howell


Very compassionate and detailed throughout a difficult time for our family, liaison and contact was very caring and understanding. Nothing but highly recommended by us, with gratitude for the professionalism.

Lisa Wilkins