Help with Costs

Some people are eligible for either a Funeral Payment or Bereavement Support Payment to help cover some of the funeral cost.

Funeral Payment

If you’re on a low income and need help to pay for a funeral you’re arranging, you may be eligible for a Funeral Payment from the Social Fund. If you or your partner are getting any of the following benefits or tax credits you may get some funding:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Pension Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Working Tax Credit which includes a disability or severe disability element
  • Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the family element
  • Universal Credit

To Be Eligible For A Funeral Payment You Must Also Be Either:

  • The partner of the deceased when they died
  • A close relative or close friend of the deceased (and it is reasonable for you to accept responsibility for the funeral costs)
  • The parent of a baby stillborn after 24 weeks of pregnancy
  • The parent of a deceased child

How Benefits Are Paid

The Funeral Payment will usually be paid directly into our bank account. If our invoice has already been paid by yourselves, the Funeral Payment will be paid directly to you.

How To Claim

Phone the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) on 0800 169 0140 and ask for a form SF200. For more information and to download the claim form from the DWP website please Click Here.

Bereavement Support Payment

If your husband, wife or civil partner has died you may be able to get a one-off lump sum followed by 18 monthly payments.

Who Can Claim?

You may be able to claim if:

  • You were under State Pension age when your partner died
  • Your partner died because of an accident at work or a disease caused by their work
  • Your partner paid enough National Insurance contributions

How To Claim

Phone the DWP on 0800 731 0139 and ask for a form BSP1.

For more information and to download the claim form from the DWP website please Click Here.


We couldn't have been treated any better, our conversations and arrangements were dealt with the utmost respect and sensitivity. When the funeral day came everything was dignified and professional, my loved one couldn't have been in better care, very pleased and would definately recommend.

Keith Page